Thursday, November 29, 2012

Can There Be Too Little Bikini?

There is a small but real difference between wearing lingerie and wearing a bikini in public.  This is a distinction that sometimes skirts the limits in some cases; for example, swimsuits that are trimmed in lace or those styled as French bikinis or string bikinis.  Obviously, this is something that prurient men would quibble about the difference, aor even argue that there is none, I question whether most females would don a "bikini" that resembles something that looks like you would wear under your clothing.  Or one that very easily comes undone with improper exposure resulting.

Having confidence in your physical self is nice; but not to the extent that you exhibit your body in total immodesty.  This seems to be a vice particularly rampant on beaches in the south.  Maybe our colder climate here is a barrier to that; but Lord knows, it also occurs in Scandanavia!

The difference between a bikini and a bikini that resembles lingerie is how much clothing and what type of material you're actually wearing. If you're going to the beach, the lake, the river or any other type of water event, you should probably avoid wearing any type of bikini with lace, see-through material or something that does not completely cover your breasts, bottom, and behind.  Please, please, don't hint at your breasts or buttocks by wearing semitransparent lingerie-like material, or by showing cleavage on either side.

A lot of guys, especially non-Christian ones, would probably disagree with me. But I must ask you this:  would you approve of your sister or wife wearing that swimsuit that makes the wearer appear half-naked?  Or would you mind her appearing in public in a swimsuit that looks like lingerie?

Whether we like to admit it or not, clothes do make the woman.  And wearing too little indicates that the wearer is predisposed to be sexually provocative.  It tells, for better or worse, what kind of person she is.  Percedptions are too often accurate.

Lingerie is meant for the bedroom, so why do some women think it is okay to wear swimsuits that are extremely brief or lingerie-like in public settings where others can see?  It may be marketed as a swimsuit; but its extremely brief, see-through qualities (to mention two points) move it more in the direction of being lingerie.

It is our role as women to seta moral tone in relationships.  There is a real distinction between a swimsuit and lingerie.  Be tasteful, God-fearing, and prudent in your choices.  You do not have to wear a one-piece swimsuit; but a tasteful two-piece one should include full coverage of the crotch, breasts, and buttocks.  The bottom should be more like shorts than whisps of cloth.

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